Lulav & Etrog Sets
These four species called the Arbat HaMinim in Hebrew ארבעת המינים
are mentioned in Leviticus 23:40. They are traditionally used in blessings said each night of the
festival of Sukkot under the Sukkah (temporary tabernacle)
For many years Tikvat Israel has gathered Lulav & Etrog set orders for Sukkot and facilitated the bulk order from different providers. This year we are trying something new. We are recommending the provider we have used for the last several years -Esrog Headquarters. You will place your own order using the link provided and the order will be delivered directly to you. We hope that in this way you have more options to craft your order and possibly order other supplies you may be interested in.
You will not pick up your order during our Sukkot Celebration.
Your order will be delivered directly to you.
We encourage you to bring your Lulav & Etrog set to our celebration so we can partake in shaking the lulav together.
If you have previously ordered sets through Tikvat Israel know the this was the "Complete Deluxe set",
however there are more options available. You can also find several holiday supplies, so shop around!
Tikvat Israel will receive a small commission of you order by using the link provided.
Thank you for supporting the ministry while getting ready to celebrate the holidays with us.
please make sure to order your sets before Rosh Hashana- October 2nd
and your order will arrive to your home by this year's Sukkot - Wednesday, October 16.
These four species called the Arbat HaMinim in Hebrew ארבעת המינים
are mentioned in Leviticus 23:40. They are traditionally used in blessings said each night of the
festival of Sukkot under the Sukkah (temporary tabernacle)
For many years Tikvat Israel has gathered Lulav & Etrog set orders for Sukkot and facilitated the bulk order from different providers. This year we are trying something new. We are recommending the provider we have used for the last several years -Esrog Headquarters. You will place your own order using the link provided and the order will be delivered directly to you. We hope that in this way you have more options to craft your order and possibly order other supplies you may be interested in.
You will not pick up your order during our Sukkot Celebration.
Your order will be delivered directly to you.
We encourage you to bring your Lulav & Etrog set to our celebration so we can partake in shaking the lulav together.
If you have previously ordered sets through Tikvat Israel know the this was the "Complete Deluxe set",
however there are more options available. You can also find several holiday supplies, so shop around!
Tikvat Israel will receive a small commission of you order by using the link provided.
Thank you for supporting the ministry while getting ready to celebrate the holidays with us.
please make sure to order your sets before Rosh Hashana- October 2nd
and your order will arrive to your home by this year's Sukkot - Wednesday, October 16.