5784 Yom Kippur
Please join us for our Yom Kippur Services
At the culmination of these 10 Days we arrive at Yom Kippur יוֹם כִּפּוּר - Also known as “The Day of Atonement.” the holiest day of the year and the “Shabbat of Shabbats.” The central theme of Yom Kippur is atonement and repentance. As followers of Yeshua, we understand that Yeshua is the fullness of both of these themes--our atonement, cleansing, and the one through whom we turn from our sins and find forgiveness, hope, and love.
Leviticus 16:3; 23:27-28; 25:9; 29:7; Hebrews 9:1-14
We will stream all of our Yom Kippur gatherings with the exception of the brief Neilah service and breaking of the fast. Find the Youtube service links below and register to attend the class on zoom if you cannot make it in person.
Leviticus 16:3; 23:27-28; 25:9; 29:7; Hebrews 9:1-14
- Wearing white- Traditionally, many Jews wear white on Yom Kippur. Because white is a symbol of purity and Yom Kippur is a day when we undertake a spiritual cleansing, it is an appropriate color for the occasion. Others interpret white as representative of the white shroud in which Jews are buried, symbolizing our mortality and reminding us of the need for humility and repentance. In messianic Judaism, white also represents our cleansing and forgiveness through Yeshua’s blood
- Refraining from joyous activities: Leviticus 23:27 says that on Yom Kippur we are to “afflict our souls”. Traditionally in Judaism this has been interpreted to avoid, eating and drinking, sometimes washing and bathing, applying lotions or perfume, wearing leather shoes and from marital relations. In our community, we encourage a 24 hr fast if it’s safe to do so, beginning on the evening of Sunday, Sept 24. One can also fast from social media or other distractions, and instead spend time in prayer and worship.
- The Study of the Book of Jonah: find out more in our Jonah Study.
We will stream all of our Yom Kippur gatherings with the exception of the brief Neilah service and breaking of the fast. Find the Youtube service links below and register to attend the class on zoom if you cannot make it in person.